safety is our main priority
We would prefer to be as transparent as possible and show potential clients that safety is the main priority of the rope access management team here at Rope Task.
Therefore, we have updated this page with current rope access safety method statements, risk assessments and our own work procedures.
safety is our main priority
We would prefer to be as transparent as possible and show potential clients that safety is the main priority of the rope access management team here at Rope Task.
Therefore, we have updated this page with current rope access safety method statements, risk assessments and our own work procedures.
The competent person should decide upon the nature and extent of the examination and carry out test when necessary. Any thorough examination of personal fall protection equipment should not include proof loading.
Thorough examination by a Competent Person must be carried out at intervals no greater than 6 months, interim inspections are required by a Competent Person in the event of high levels of wear at a particular job, or due to exceptional circumstances.
Rope Task will come to your site in Liverpool and carry out a thorough PPE inspection of personal fall protection equipment, using the skills of our in-house Competent Person who has many thousands of hours logged as an IRATA level 3 rope access technician along with extensive knowledge of PPE inspections, supplying equipment and training in the safe use of personal fall protection equipment.