To continually strive to improve in our rope access operations and safety, we as an IRATA member company are required to complete annual internal audits. Today we have completed this, we have published the audit report to the website so that clients can see that we are committed to improve in the rope access service that we provide.
This is a major difference between an IRATA company and a non IRATA rope access company. We, as an IRATA member company have to continually check that how we operate complies with national and international standards, including the IRATA ICOP and ISO 22846. Non IRATA member companies have no one asking for these types of audits and inspections, unless they are ISO audited. But are they audited to ISO 22846? Not many rope access companies are.
As a minimum your rope access contractor must be able to prove that he is competent, through training, knowledge, experience and technical ability. Many rope access companies that are operating cannot prove this, only IRATA full member companies can prove without doubt that they have the expertise, knowledge and understanding of rope access that is required to complete the task safely.
Take a look at the picture above, it looks like a great job to be climbing around and hanging from the crane, but can your rope access company safely access this dangerous area? Can they effectively rescue a climber from this inaccessible location? How do you go about even starting to compile risk assessments and method statements for these works?
Take a look at this picture, the risks include confined space, work at height, work above water and rescue of a stranded worker. Where do you start to look for a contractor that can deal with all of these risks. Rope Task can deal with many different access and confined space problems, simply
visit our safety page on the website to see how we start to do this.