thorough inspections from industry experts
"Thorough examination" means a detailed examination by a Competent Person, who has the appropriate practical and theoretical knowledge and experience to enable them to detect defects or weaknesses. They are able to assess their importance in relation to the safety and continued use of the lifting equipment.
thorough inspections from industry experts
"Thorough examination" means a detailed examination by a Competent Person, who has the appropriate practical and theoretical knowledge and experience to enable them to detect defects or weaknesses. They are able to assess their importance in relation to the safety and continued use of the lifting equipment.
The competent person should decide upon the nature and extent of the examination and carry out test when necessary. Any thorough examination of personal fall protection equipment should not include proof loading.
Thorough examination by a Competent Person must be carried out at intervals no greater than 6 months, interim inspections are required by a Competent Person in the event of high levels of wear at a particular job, or due to exceptional circumstances.
Rope Task will come to your site and carry out a thorough PPE inspection of personal fall protection equipment, using the skills of our in-house Competent Person who has many thousands of hours logged as an IRATA level 3 rope access technician along with extensive knowledge of PPE inspections, supplying equipment and training in the safe use of personal fall protection equipment.
If you require personal fall protection equipment then one phone call can put you in touch with one of our height safety experts who will advise on the correct equipment that is needed to complete your specific task. You can also use our email link to ask any questions relating to your height safety equipment needs.
Thorough PPE inspection of personal fall protection equipment
IRATA level 3 rope access technician
Extensive knowledge of PPE inspections
Helpful advice from industry experts
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